since the implementation of the Corruption-Free Pledge (IBR) programme in 2017, there have been 2,153 IBR events organised. - NSTP file pic
since the implementation of the Corruption-Free Pledge (IBR) programme in 2017, there have been 2,153 IBR events organised. - NSTP file pic

KOTA KINABALU: Several individuals who pledged to eradicate corruption have ended up being detained by Sabah Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers.

State MACC director Datuk S. Karunanithy said, since the implementation of the Corruption-Free Pledge (IBR) programme in 2017, there have been 2,153 IBR events organised.

"However, there were several cases in which promises were broken. Although they had made the pledge, those individuals were arrested by MACC for getting involved in corruption.

"This is really embarrassing. It is as if IBR is just a show. The promise to prevent corruption is only happening in the mouth, but not in the heart," he said during the IBR event at a private hospital here.

Sabah Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission deputy director Alexander S. Kunghi reading our a speech on behalf of state MACC director Datuk S. Karunanithy, said in several people have been arrested for corruption despite having taken corruption-free pledges. -NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL
Sabah Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission deputy director Alexander S. Kunghi reading our a speech on behalf of state MACC director Datuk S. Karunanithy, said in several people have been arrested for corruption despite having taken corruption-free pledges. -NSTP/OLIVIA MIWIL

His speech was read by his deputy, Alexander S. Kunghi.

Karunanithy said the pledge was a commitment by the top leadership of an organisation to show their principles related to integrity, good governance and corruption prevention.

"I would like to emphasise that the 'tone at the top' is important. However, action from the top is even more crucial.

"I believe the IBR programme today is not just a one-off event or for 'cosmetic' purposes, but it will be followed by good actions from KPJ Sabah and all its staff."

He also reminded the private hospital to look into policy, strategy and corruption prevention initiatives to ensure they are tested from time to time.

Among them, he said, KPJ Sabah staff have to refrain from abusing positions and power to award projects to their own family members; refuse any graft offers; and be wary of fake or dubious claims.

Present was KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital general manager Mohamad Faizal Mohamed.