Johor police chief Commissioner M. Kumar. -NSTP FILE/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN
Johor police chief Commissioner M. Kumar. -NSTP FILE/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN

JOHOR BARU: Johor police recorded 348 commercial crime cases in March involving losses of RM8.89 million.

This was RM259,955 more than in the corresponding period last year, when 306 cases were reported.

Johor police chief Commissioner M. Kumar said there were 61 online purchase scams, 53 phone scams, 45 non-existent loans, 41 'phantom' investments, 26 job scams and 66 other fraudulent schemes.

Cheating was the most prevalent: it accounted for 84 per cent of the cases in March.

"Cheating accounted for RM7,618,571.70 of the losses, or 86 per cent," he said.