Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin. -- Filepic
Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin. -- Filepic

KUALA LUMPUR: Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin and wife Toh Puan Naimah Khalid have discharged their lead counsel Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abidin from representing them in the criminal charge.

Yusof, who is the former solicitor-general II, was the lead counsel in Naimah's criminal charges for failure to declare her assets to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Counsel M. Puravalen from Messrs. Valen, Oh & Partners, who represented the couple, confirmed this when contacted today.

"Yusof, alongside Yunos Shariff and Ale Tan from Messrs. Wong Kien Kong, has been discharged.

"Puravalen still continues to act for Tun (Daim) and Toh Puan (Naimah)," he said.

However, Puravalen declined to comment on the reason for the discharge.

"That is between client and lawyers. It would be confidential and unethical for anyone to know," he added.

Last week, Naimah claimed trial for failure to declare her assets to the MACC before Sessions Court judge Azura Alwi.

According to the charge sheet, the 67-year-old failed to comply with an MACC notice to declare her assets such as:

* Companies — Ilham Tower Sdn Bhd and Ilham Baru Sdn Bhd;

* Luxury vehicles — Mercedes Benz EQC400 and Mercedes Benz 500SL;

* Properties — Menara Ilham, official residence in Bukit Tunku, four freehold pieces of land and buildings near Bukit Tunku as well as freehold land and building near Jalan Anthinahapan and Jalan Cantoment Road in Penang.

The offence falls under Section 36(2) of the MACC Act which carries a maximum five years' imprisonment and RM100,000 fine upon conviction.

Na'imah and her two sons, Amir and Amin, on Jan 10, were summoned to the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya to have their statements recorded.

MACC had said this was done to ascertain the worth of some of the high-value assets in the country and abroad held under the companies belonging to the family in relation to the probe on Daim.

The commission had said a notice was served to Daim under Section 36(1)(a) of the MACC Act 2009, on June 7 last year while his family members were served notices under Section 36(1)(b) of the same act.