Police arrested a 37-year-old man for allegedly throwing away torn pages of the Quran along Jalan Besar Palong, yesterday. - File pic
Police arrested a 37-year-old man for allegedly throwing away torn pages of the Quran along Jalan Besar Palong, yesterday. - File pic

JEMPOL: Police arrested a 37-year-old man for allegedly throwing away torn pages of the Quran along Jalan Besar Palong, yesterday.

District police chief Superintendent Hoo Chang Hook said the arrest was made after police received three reports regarding the incident.

"Police received a report from a woman stating that she saw a man on a motorcycle throwing sheets and pieces of the torn Quran, on the side of Jalan Besar Palong, yesterday. Police also received two reports regarding the discovery of torn pages of the Quran on the road.

"The suspect was arrested with a copy of the Quran, and the suspect confessed to being involved in the incident," he said in a statement today.

Hoo said the suspect tested positive for methamphetamine, and had a criminral record for two offences under Section 15(1)(a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act and one under Section 427 of the Penal Code for committing mischeif.

An application for remand against the suspect will be made in court tomorrow, under Section 117 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and the case will be investigated according to sections 298A (causing disharmony, disunity, or feelings of enmity, hatred or illwill, or prejudicing, etc., the maintenance of harmony or unity, on grounds of religion) and 427 of the Penal Code. — BERNAMA