The suspect, Saga said, was an Indonesian man in his 50s. - NSTP file pic
The suspect, Saga said, was an Indonesian man in his 50s. - NSTP file pic

DALAT: An Indonesian man was believed to have been murdered by his countryman on Saturday night.

District police chief Deputy Superintendent Saga Chunggat said the housemate had stabbed the victim in the stomach with a sharp object at a workers' lodging facility at a oil palm plantation here.

The victim, in his 30s, had serious injuries and was rushed to the Hospital by the plantation security chief on the night of the incident.

"When the victim arrived at the hospital, the medical officer confirmed that the man had succumbed to his injuries," he said when contacted today.

The suspect, Saga said, was an Indonesian man in his 50s.

He said it was believed the victim and the suspect, who is a worker at the plantation, were quarrelling when the incident happened.

Police were looking for the suspect who had fled the scene after stabbing the victim, he added.

The police chief urged those with information regarding the suspect and his whereabout to call the investigation officer Inspector Rahim Ramli at 017-4211852.

The case, he said, had been classified as murder under Section 302 of the Penal Code.