KUALA LUMPUR: PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli said the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) raided his datat analysis firm, Invoke Solution Sdn Bhd office last night.

He questioned the MACC's motive as the graft busters seemed to be targetting the firm instead of investigating what had been revealed concerning the littoral combat ships (LCS) and a RM2 billion flood mitigation project involving the environment and water ministry.

"Today, as I am campaigning, MACC raided my office and detained my staff for seven hours. We spoke about the RM2 billion (flood mitigation) scandal, they did not investigate. We spoke about the LCS and showed them the evidence about (Datuk Abdul) Latiff Ahmad (former deputy Defence Minister), about the RM200 million that was paid to a fake company, they did not investigate.

"Every sen involving the company belongs to me and the investors, not public funds. I took money from my own pocket and pay the 150 staff to educate them about business.

"(Tan Sri) Azam Baki (MACC chief commissioner) sent his officers and raided my office. Until 9 pm, it is still not over," said Rafizi in his speech at the Ceramah Mega Ayuh Malaysia, Kita Boleh in Wangsa Maju last night. Also present was Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Previously, MACC was reported as saying that it had opened an investigation paper regarding Rafizi's asset declaration following a report lodged by an non-governmental organisation.

In another matter, Rafizi said he will continue his exposure on the Sungai Langat 2 flood mitigation project scandal which he claimed involved Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahiim Tuan Man.

He claimed that he had other evidence to show that the project was approved after Parliament was dissolved, which is against the law.

"Let's see what Azam and MACC will say after this. Tuan Ibrahim thinks I only have one or two documents. Usually, when I expose anything, I can drag it for months," said Rafizi.

He previously demanded Tuan Ibrahim's explanation regarding the status of the project.

He claimed that the ministry was in the process of awarding the tender for the project directly to a contractor through a letter dated October 7, 2022 although the decision can't be made by a caretaker government.

Following the allegation, Tuan Ibrahim said the letter shown by Rafizi was not issued by him or his ministry and that the letter was issued before the Parliament was dissolved.

PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli said the MACC raided his datat analysis firm, Invoke Solution Sdn Bhd office last night. - NSTP file pic
PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli said the MACC raided his datat analysis firm, Invoke Solution Sdn Bhd office last night. - NSTP file pic