A father of a 12-month old girl has been detained by police after being suspected of molesting the baby. FILE PIC
A father of a 12-month old girl has been detained by police after being suspected of molesting the baby. FILE PIC

KUALA TERENGGANU: A father of a 12-month old girl has been detained by police after being suspected of molesting the baby.

The matter came to light after the baby started crying uncontrollably when her mother changed her diapers near midnight on Monday.

The activity of the 36-year old labourer was exposed when the mother found red markings around the child’s vaginas. The girl cried as soon as her mother tried to clean her up.

Suspecting that something was not right, the 28-year old mother lodged a report at the Manir police station before referring her daughter to the Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ) for a medical check-up.

Following the police report, the suspect was arrested and will be remanded for four days to facilitate in investigations under Section 354 of the Penal Code for molest.

The remand order was obtained from the senior registrar of the Kuala Terengganu courts, Norasila Abd Latiff.

Sources said the child was under the care of both parents who took turns since November last year as they were in the process of filing for a divorce. Before Monday, there had been no problems.

Meanwhile, district police chief, Assistant Commissioner Idris Abdul Rafar, confirmed that a report on the incident had been lodged and that the suspect had been remanded.