Umno strategic communications director Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan (centre) reminded Umno members to stay true to the party’s constitution. Bernama pix.
Umno strategic communications director Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan (centre) reminded Umno members to stay true to the party’s constitution. Bernama pix.

KUALA PILAH: Umno is all set for the 14th General Election (GE14) and is just awaiting the green light from its president Datuk Seri Najib Razak to start making campaign rounds nationwide, said its strategic communications director Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

GE14 is expected to be held in the second half of this year.

“Having a good track record governing the country (for the last 60 years), that should be sufficient to describe Umno’s state of readiness in the run-up to this next general election,” Abdul Rahman told reporters after the party’s first official opening of its Kuala Pilah divisional meeting here today.

Commenting further on the party’s strategy to win over voters, he said Umno’s role is to introduce (the right) policies and the fact that it already has a good track record of uplifting Malaysians’ standard of living and managing the economy well, voters should be able to distinguish which political party to vote for.

“In any general election in any country, its citizens have the right to elect the government, but it must be based on facts. (And fact of the matter is) Barisan Nasional has a good track record and has been able to elevate the living conditions of the Bumiputera as well as to ensure that the country’s economy continues to prosper.

“Umno is ready, psychologically and logistically. We are just waiting for the president’s instruction.”

In his address to the party’s grassroots at the divisional meeting, Abdul Rahman reminded Umno members to stay true to the party’s constitution – loyalty to the party and leadership – and not be swayed by hearsay nor influenced by former leaders who have left the political party.

He stressed that Umno leaders get and gather their strength from the grassroots members to win each and every election.

Admittedly, he said there are issues plaguing the top echelon, subsequently manipulated by the Opposition, but he reassured all will be resolved in due course.

At the closing of the event, Abdul Rahman presented token of appreciation to Umno Kuala Pilah on the effort led by the division’s deputy head and chairman of membership recruitment Datuk Adnan Abu Hassan on the success of registering new voters and signing on 370 new Umno members.