GEORGE TOWN: Police have arrested a suspect behind a shooting incident which left three dead at theTun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway this evening.

The suspect is believed to be the bodyguard of a Datuk, who was killed with two others in the incident.

State Criminal Investigation Department chief Senior Assistant Commissioner Zainol Samah said the bodyguard, who was in the same vehicle, had taken out his gun and opened fire.

He confirmed that one of the deceased was Datuk Ong Teik Kwong, 32.

The incident happened about 7.30pm.

Two other passengers in the car had opened the door and tried to escape but were shot dead as they were running away.

Another passenger in the car was pistol-whipped by the bodyguard. However, he managed to escape with his life after making a dash for it.

Several others were also injured after they were hit by stray bullets.

Another person injured was RTM videographer Mohamad Amirul Amin, 28. He was shot in the left shoulder.

He was rushed to the Penang Hospital.

Meanwhile, a witness, who is a reporter with a Malay daily, said he was on a motorcycle with Amirul just before the shooting took place.

"We were riding along the expressway and saw a stalled car. We got down from the motorcycle.

"We were unaware of what had happened until Amirul grimaced in pain.

"The next thing I knew, his shirt was covered with blood," said the reporter.

Police have arrested a suspect behind a shooting incident which left three dead at theTun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway this evening. The suspect is believed to be the bodyguard of a Datuk, who was killed with two others in a car.
Police have arrested a suspect behind a shooting incident which left three dead at theTun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway this evening. The suspect is believed to be the bodyguard of a Datuk, who was killed with two others in a car.