Huawei Executive Director of the Board, Chief Strategy Marketing Officer, William Xu.
Huawei Executive Director of the Board, Chief Strategy Marketing Officer, William Xu.
Rotating CEO, Huawei Technologies, Eric Xu.
Rotating CEO, Huawei Technologies, Eric Xu.
Executive Director of the Board, President, Products & Solutions, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, Ryan Ding.
Executive Director of the Board, President, Products & Solutions, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, Ryan Ding.
Attendees at Huawei's 13th Global Analyst Summit 2016.
Attendees at Huawei's 13th Global Analyst Summit 2016.

SHENZHEN: Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider, convened its 13th Global Analyst Summit recently, bringing together over 500 analysts and business leaders from the telecom, Internet, finance, and other industries.

With the focus on the theme of 'Growing Together Through Digitalisation and Building a Better Connected World', the company shared its strategic thinking, products, and market progress in the areas of cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and operations transformation.

Representatives from industry organisations include NB-IoT Forum, OpenStack, TM Forum, and The Open Group were present to share their views and best practices on industry development too.

"Global digitalisation is accelerating, and this is improving efficiency and user experience in many areas, including vertical industries, public services, and every aspect of our lives. Our Global Connectivity Index (GCI) 2016 reveals that global connectivity improved by 5 percent in 2015," remarked William Xu, Huawei Executive Director of the Board, Chief Strategy Marketing Officer.

"We can work together in the areas of enhancing connectivity, enabling the digital transformation of vertical industries, improving the connectivity experience and expanding access under all scenarios, and to accelerate global digitalisation," he added.

According to Xu, under the trend of full connectivity, video has become a basic service of the telecom industry and experience has become a core competence for operators to attract and retain users. With that, Huawei has unveiled a video experience measurement system, U-vMOS, which reasonably and objectively evaluates video quality, interaction, and the visual experience of various services on different networks and screens. The system is open to the entire video industry, and has been recognised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

At the summit, Huawei's Rotating CEO Eric Xu laid down the company's full cloudification strategy in detail. He said, "At the Huawei Global Analyst Summit 2015, we proposed the Real-time, On-demand, All-online, DIY, and Social (ROADS) experience model to define the features of a superior user experience. This year, we have introduced the full cloudification strategy, which focuses on delivering a ROADS experience. At the core of Huawei's full cloudification strategy is the full reconstruction of ICT infrastructure in four respects – equipment, network, services, and operations."

The strategy aims to create systematic strengths in pooled hardware resources, fully distributed software architecture, and full automation. He said that as a leading global ICT infrastructure provider, Huawei is committed to becoming an advocate, promoter, and leader of full cloudification.

According to Xu, digital transformation presents many opportunities as well as challenges. Therefore, Huawei aims to stay relevant by being customer-centric and helping customers succeed. He added, "In the carrier business, we aim to deliver a ROADS experience and help operators develop their competitiveness to seize new market opportunities including IoT, video, and cloud services. We will also help migrate networks and operations systems to the cloud and help operators establish advantages in agile operations. In the enterprise business, we will leverage cloud computing, SDN, and Big Data technologies to facilitate enterprise digitalisation towards agile and smart operations. In the consumer business, brand, quality, experience, and ecosystems matter most. Huawei is working hard to develop a high-end brand, deliver premium products, win with quality and services, and establish an ecosystem that focuses on consumer experience."

In his welcome address, Ryan Ding, Huawei Executive Director of the Board, President of Huawei's Products & Solutions, said," A Better Connected World raises requirements for networks. Connections, bandwidth, latency, and data storage must all achieve 100-fold improvements. More importantly, networks of the future must automatically accommodate diverse use scenarios, including massive numbers of connected things, high-bandwidth services like video and virtual reality, and industrial applications that require a low latency and high reliability."

"Huawei will focus on ICT infrastructure and smart devices; invest over the long term; fully unleash the potential of connectivity, ultra-broadband, and data; and develop agile architecture and open platforms to accelerate the digital transformation of our customers, including operators," added Ding.

Customer needs are diverse, and no company can meet them on their own – collaboration with industry partners is essential. To this end, Xu said, "We must join forces with industry partners to build an open ecosystem. We continue to hold fast to our pipe strategy, focusing on ICT infrastructure and smart devices. To meet these needs, we have forged extensive partnerships with consulting firms, application developers, system integrators, and channel partners. Through this commitment to openness, collaboration, and shared success, we will create value for our customers, contribute to a healthy ICT ecosystem, and drive social progress."