The shampoo cleanses gently but thoroughly.
The shampoo cleanses gently but thoroughly.
The microemulsion spray functions like a leave-in conditioner.
The microemulsion spray functions like a leave-in conditioner.

The search for one bottle of shampoo to tame misbehaving hair may be over, writes Meera Murugesan

AT any given time I have at least three different bottles of shampoo on my bathroom shelf. It’s simply due to the fact that my hair never “behaves”. At certain times, it’s lank and limp and at other times, dry and frizzy.

I use a shampoo for oily hair on those days when I want to remove all the oil build-up on my scalp and give body to my hair. At other times, I opt for a creamy formula to fight frizz. I also have a shampoo for daily use on normal hair.

I have yet to find a single shampoo that can take care of all my hair care needs.

The good thing about Medavita’s Reconstructive Shampoo is that not only is it parabens-free but unlike other such shampoos I’ve tried, this one can really work up a lather.

I’m not a fan of shampoos that don’t lather. Somehow, I don’t feel my hair is clean unless there’s a rich lather. With this shampoo I only had to use a little bit to achieve that effect.


On certain days, when my hair was really oily, I used more than the normal amount and despite the rich lather my hair didn’t feel dry after rinse off.

In fact my scalp felt clean and fresh after each use and I didn’t experience residue build-up, a common problem that happens after repeated use of the same shampoo. It can leave hair limp and lifeless even after a wash and is one of the reasons I keep changing my shampoo.

This shampoo with a 5.8pH cleanses very gently and is said to restore essential substances for the compactness of the hair shaft.

It contains beta carotene which protects the hair against damage caused by physiological processes, chemical agents and environmental factors.

The shampoo is also supposed to revitalise and deeply hydrate brittle, damaged or dull hair. In my case it certainly gives my hair a lot more body and bounce, something I have always wanted.


The microemulsion spray functions somewhat like a leave-in conditioner and I applied it after each wash.

The instructions said to spray all along the hair length, right to the tips. I don’t know whether I had achieved that but I did try to spray as evenly as possible all over my hair.

Anyway, the end result was pleasing. It helped to tame the frizziness in my hair and made it more manageable.

It was also effective in keeping my hair tangle-free and I noticed an obvious softness and shine to my hair that wasn’t there before.

Perhaps my elusive search for a product that flatters my hair is over.