GEORGE TOWN: THE state executive councillor in charge of Islamic religious affairs today apologised to the family of the late Teoh Cheng Cheng over the actions of the State Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAIPP) officers in taking away the body of the purported Muslim convert on Monday.

Datuk Abdul Malik Abdul Kassim admitted today that the actions of the officers lacked sensitivity towards the customs, religion and feelings of Cheng Cheng's mother Tan Mah Suan, 64 and her family in their moment of grief.

"As the state executive councillor in charge of the Islamic religious affairs and on behalf of the department, I would like to apologise over the incident, and offer my condolences to the family," he said in a statement.

Abdul Malik said the officers should have considered the feelings of the family members and get the views from the department director, the enforcement division, the State Mufti department and the district religious officer before taking further action.

"This is what we have been practising all these while in handling such cases," he said.

Abdul Malik said the state executive council which met yesterday also expressed their regret and disappointment in the manner the incident was handled and managed without taking into account the sensitivities and respect towards the customs of other races.

"As with the state executive council, I will also ensure that JHEAIPP officers will handle such an incident carefully and professionally in future, and I will ensure such an incident will not recur.

"The state government is also prepared to extend help to the family of the deceased in facing such a difficult time," he said.

In elaborating, Abdul Malik said the officer had explained to him that the enforcement team was hard pressed for time on Monday.

"The officer had explained to me and has apologised," he added.

Cheng Cheng was said to have died at her apartment in Lebuh Macallum on Saturday.

At about 1pm on Monday, just as her coffin was being prepared to be lifted into a hearse, the police arrived to stop the cortege from leaving the apartment compound, citing a “religious issue” as the reason.

About 90 minutes later, JHEAIPP officers came to claim the body, producing documents to show the woman had converted to Islam in 1997 and had adopted the Muslim name Nora Teoh Abdullah.

However, a family member argued that Cheng Cheng’s original name had remained unchanged in her MyKad.

At present, Cheng Cheng's body is at the Penang Hospital mortuary pending a court decision on her religious status as a Muslim.