Sharifah Aini
Sharifah Aini

THE late Datuk Sharifah Aini, who died last Saturday, will long be remembered for her impressive rendition of a wide repertoire of songs in Malay and English, and her unique style that won her a huge following of fans here and abroad.

She was among the few illustrious pioneers in our music industry, in an era that began more than four decades ago, when artistes in our country had to gain recognition and popularity through the exceptional quality of their performance, personality and perseverance, with hardly any modern “effects and props” to enhance their presentations.

Since the mid-1970s, while posted on United Nation missions abroad, I recall we always had Sharifah Aini’s signature cassettes to entertain visitors at home and also during international events, to highlight one of our best singers — and, without exception, those who heard her were always left impressed.

It will indeed be a great and deserving tribute to Sharifah Aini’s memory to celebrate her contributions to music and to our country by presenting a selection of her songs and concerts as part of RTM programmes, especially during Hari Raya, featuring her memorable rendition of Seri Dewi Malam and Hapuslah Airmatamu and her devotional and lively numbers for the festive occasion.

Rueben Dudley,Petaling Jaya, Selangor