-- fotoBERNAMA (2014)
-- fotoBERNAMA (2014)

ASHGABAT: During a joint press conference with Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Monday, Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov repeatedly expressed his confidence in Malaysia as Turkmenistan’s crucial partner in all fields of development.

During an official dinner at his Presidential Palace, Gurbanguly continued to praise Malaysia for implementing productive and wise policies in developing its nation.

Malaysian ambassador to Turkmenistan Norman Muhamad said the impact of the prime minister's second visit to this country after July 2011, was beyond expectation.

Attributing the successful trip to the chemistry between Najib and Gurbanguly as well as a good rapport established between Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman and Turkmenistan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov, Norman said bilateral ties between both countries were at its best.

As such, he said it was high time for Malaysian companies to explore the abundant opportunities in this country, especially the rapid development taking shape at its capital city, Ashgabat.

As of last year, Turkmenistan had achieved a double-digit economic growth and Norman said the country was expected to sustain is strong performance for this year.

He said Turkmenistan government had allocated US$70 billion for a five-year masterplan for infrastructure development and education which took off in 2012.

"For last year alone, the country had spent US$42 billion for 1,888 projects from the total allocation, and we are looking at Malaysian companies venturing into this country," he told Malaysian media covering Najib’s visit to the Central Asian nation yesterday.

Norman said apart from oil and gas sector, there were many other areas still left to be explored such as halal industry, education, construction, tourism and culture.

He said Petronas had paved the way for Malaysian companies to explore business opportunities in Turkmenistan, adding this should facilitate the process for interested Malaysian companies to come to Turkmenistan.

He said those interested should contact the embassy here for more information.