Naim Daniel lectured the netizen remanded by the police for three hours. INSTAGRAM/NAIMDANIELX
Naim Daniel lectured the netizen remanded by the police for three hours. INSTAGRAM/NAIMDANIELX

KUALA LUMPUR: It took three hours for Naim Daniel recently to lecture the man who was remanded by the police for allegedly leaving a threatening message on the popular singer's social media account.

In a Harian Metro report today, the 26-year-old artiste said that he did that so that the accused would be aware of his grave mistake.

"Looking at him handcuffed, I also asked him if he regretted his action, which had made him end up behind bars.

"What stunned me was his answer that he simply left the message because he was blindly following others in criticising me for the videos I had uploaded."

The suspect however apologised to Naim and admitted that it was wrong for him to leave a comment which could compromise Naim and his family's safety.

"I think most outspoken (and seemingly dangerous) netizens are not that daring if we were to meet them face to face. And I hope this would serve as a reminder to others in the future."

However, Naim also admitted that he does not expect everyone to agree with his opinions, but they should the toe the line when expressing their response.

Earlier, Naim had lodged a police report when a social media user had left a comment which could be interpreted as a death threat to his parents.