Raja Azura (IG pic)
Raja Azura (IG pic)

KUALA LUMPUR: TV host and actress, Raja Azura, who has been a single mother for 14 years, feels that no man would dare to be with her as she has multiple commitments and debts.

"Men, when they hear my name, are all worried because my face and behavior are like a chameleon. It can change according to the situation.

"There's no denying that there are those who try to get close, but slowly these individuals will start to retreat and disappear because they are unable to take care of me, a person with various responsibilities and commitments.

"All my children are continuing their studies at the university and require a lot of money to pay for their fees. I also have lots of debts that have yet to be settled.

"Then there are other loans that need to be settled such as for the house and car, as well as my responsibility to my mother who lives with me.

"So it's true that people don't want to be with me because the responsibility I'm taking on is huge. People will be horrified if they hear it," she said in a Harian Metro report today.

In the meantime, Raja Azura admitted that she had no intention of gaining attention when a video she uploaded on Instagram that seemed to feature her getting married went viral recently.

Raja Azura said that she had only attended her cousin's wedding but did not expect that many people would make the mistake after watching the video.

"I was surprised when I received non-stop calls from the media, friends, and relatives. Many misunderstood the video I shared even though the caption already had the words, 'from being alone, now together'.

"The news of the wedding also got the attention of my children who contacted me because they were sitting for exams. I chose not to answer at the time because I was busy managing my cousin's wedding.

"It was only when the story went viral that I felt very moved and appreciated by the fans and followers who kept on sending well-wishes and prayers for me.

"But I want to emphasise that I had no intention of hoarding attention or taking attention away from my cousin's wedding," she said.

Previously, Raja Azura uploaded a video that looked as if she was having a wedding.

In the video, she was seen wearing a baju kurung and walking towards the dais.

However, the actual marriage involved Raja Muzaffar Idris Shah Raja Izzuddin Iskandar Shah Al-Haj.

Before this, Raja Azura was married to Adzmin Osman, the son of former Kedah Chief Minister, Tan Sri Osman Aroff in March 2001.

However, they divorced on September 28, 2010. They have three children, namely Megat Muhammad Raziq, 22, Megat Luqman Hakim, 21, and Puteri Mia Maizura, 19.