It is believed that Aliff Aziz's mother, Siti Hafiza Basharahil, no longer follows her daughter-in-law, Bella Astillah on Instagram. - Pic from IG
It is believed that Aliff Aziz's mother, Siti Hafiza Basharahil, no longer follows her daughter-in-law, Bella Astillah on Instagram. - Pic from IG

KUALA LUMPUR: Actor and singer Aliff Aziz's mother, Siti Hafiza Basharahil, is believed to have unfollowed her daughter-in-law, Bella Astillah on Instagram (IG).

However, actress Bella Astillah's IG account still shows her following her mother-in-law's account, @fizaaziz, according to a Harian Metro report today.

Meanwhile, Hafiza uploaded a cryptic post on her IG yesterday that read: "I am ashamed to be considered good even though I am a great sinner, it's just that God is covering my shame."

The entry received various comments with one netizen suggesting that Hafiza stop siding with her son.

There were also many more positive messages from other netizens that offered words of encouragement and prayers for Hafiza and her family.

Previously, the arrest of Aliff and Ruhainies by Jawi (Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department) officers in a condominium, here on March 9 became the talk of the town.

They were released on bail later on the same day and are set to be charged in the Syariah Court.

Bella filed for divorce from Aliff last Monday but the case mention was delayed after the actor was not able to attend due to being tied up with filming a drama.

Last Thursday, Aliff and Ruhainies released official statements online to explain what had really taken place on that fateful night and denied that they were in a special relationship.

Bella and Aliff tied the knot on Sept 9, 2016. They have two children, Mohamad Ayden Adrean, 7, and Ara Adreanna, 4.