WE'RE back on Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) -- for Sabah, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Selangor-- one strict level up from its Recovery sister as the third wave of Covid-19 sees triple digit new cases every day.

From today until Oct 27, many will stay home. Universities, schools, kindergartens and daycare centres are closed. Eating out is allowed (except for Sabah) but discouraged, with only two person per table, so family meals or catch-up with friends will have to wait.

Sports in groups of more than 10 people are not allowed and only two person can go out in a car.

Since the MCO was first announced in March and people were forced to spend most of their time indoors, spending habits have changed, multi-label beauty store Kens Apothecary founder Ken Lim says.

"Shopping has become more about self-pampering. Instead of buying perfume and make-up-- typically to go out-- our customers buy body care and the segment's sales have gone up," he says.

"Last month, we released the Diptyque City Candles in KL-- which was previously only sold in the cities they are named after-- and within a few days, everything was sold out. People want to feel good when they stay at home, and I think that trend will continue for a while as homes become focal points for everyone again," he says.

Here, Lim lists beauty self-care items that are popular as we stay home again.

Plug in the diffuser for a calming home scent.
Plug in the diffuser for a calming home scent.


A clever invention by the French brand, this plug-in diffuser uses its existing car diffuser which you place in its case and plug into a power source. The scent is pleasing to the nose and the design, in true Diptyque fashion, is pleasing to the eye. Unless you switch it off, it will scent your space for four hours by default.

Body oil to nourish and calm the skin.
Body oil to nourish and calm the skin.


When Zoom meeting, Google meet or helping your children with their online learning wear you down, take a long shower in the evening and try this body oil treatment. Plum almond oil helps restore suppleness, elasticity and tone, while calendula oil heals the skin. The scent is heavenly and relaxing, a pleasant respite after a long day.

This machine gives light treatment to your skin.
This machine gives light treatment to your skin.


Light therapy is no longer confined to the spa with this nifty machine that brings together the benefits of light on the skin. With seven gentle electrostimulation functions, it uses "a gentle diffusion of electrical impulses" for lifting, firming, toning, radiance and calming benefits. Get ready for some hi-tech skin therapy.

This 1.5kg scented candle can scent a bigger space.
This 1.5kg scented candle can scent a bigger space.


Its candles are in a class of its own and this scent is enigmatic and beguiling, with the heady scent of the flower captivating sensuality at dusk. Tuberose is one of the bestselling scents for this brand. Just remember to let it burn for at least an hour so the wick soaks up the paraffin and burns properly, forming a melting pool so wax doesn't hollow out.

A good scalp mask gets to the root of hair care-- literally.
A good scalp mask gets to the root of hair care-- literally.


Scalp health is the cornerstone of hair health and with walk-ins not allowed in most salons, home hair treatment is gaining popularity. This pre-shampoo treatment contains Hungarian moor mud to detoxify and revitalise the scalp and promote healthier hair. Cooling menthol provides relief for irritated and itchy scalps while salicylic acid provides gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and unblock hair follicles.

Get a good home facial with the ReFa Carat Ray.
Get a good home facial with the ReFa Carat Ray.


This home massage tool uses deep kneading motion for a facial massage. The design features "solar panels" to generate micro-currents and the kneading manipulations help tighten and massage skin.