Hence, many parents often send them to reputable preschools, purchase good books and toys, or spend hours reading to their children.
HAVE you met people who have been outstanding, or stand head and shoulders above their peers as employees, but totally bomb when they get promoted to a line leader, or to any leadership role?
Presently, SMEs are grappling with cash flow problems with growing unsettled and accumulating liabilities, including employment retention as well as operating and overhead costs.
SETIU: Flood evacuees in Terengganu have more than doubled over the past three hours as 1,817 people from 503 families have sought shelter at 49 relief centres.
KUALA LUMPUR: Singapore Manpower Ministry (MOM) has met Shahruddin Hael Helmy Mohd Noh over his claim that more than 100 Malaysians with work pass holders in Singapore were living on the streets in the republic as they could not afford to rent a room or a bed.
KUALA LUMPUR: Zoo Negara has been urged to come up with a six-month contingency fund plan to ensure the sustainability of its operations, said Energy and Natural Resources Minister Datuk Dr Shamsul Anuar Nasarah.
KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Affendi Zahari has been reappointed as the Chairman of Kampong Bharu Development Corporation (PKB) for a period of 2 years effective Oct 19.
KUANTAN: English teacher Samuel Isaiah's journey in the 2020 Global Teacher Prize award may have come to an end but the 33-year-old believes his mission to bring change to Malaysia’s Orang Asli children is far from over.
KUALA LUMPUR: Locally available in only one variant, the officially launched 7th Generation C-segment Hyundai Elantra is priced at RM158,888 (Peninsula Malaysia, excluding insurance).
INDIAN film superstar Rajinikanth on Thursday became the latest in a long line of big-name actors to enter politics, vowing to bring in "corruption-free" government to his home state.
BUTTERWORTH: Three men who had stolen a RM800 bonsai plant from a collector figured they could make a quick buck by selling the plant via Facebook.
TUMPAT: A 100-year-old Muslim cemetery in Kampung Dalam Rhu, located in a low-lying area here, was badly damaged by floodwaters yesterday.
KUALA LUMPUR: With the finalisation of the Natural Gas Roadmap (NGR) and National Energy Policy (NEP), Malaysia intends to play a more role in gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Economy) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said.
KOTA BARU: Following a second wave of flood in Kelantan this evening, 47 people have been evacuated from two districts, namely Kota Baru and Pasir Putih, that were hit by floods.
SETIU: The number of flood evacuees in Terengganu rose to 832 people today, affecting mostly residents in low-lying areas in six districts.