If you’ve got a fence that needs covering so you could enjoy more privacy from nosy neighbours and you want something beautiful, lush greenery and fragrant flowers are the perfect options.

You may want to pay the nursery a visit to get ideas on what would be best for your garden. Show them pictures of your garden so they could recommend something for you.

Go for more full grown plants so you don’t have to wait for months or years for them to grow and reach out to the top of your fence. You can place the plants in large pots, or plant them in the ground.

Roses of different shades of colours are perfect to cover your fence.
Roses of different shades of colours are perfect to cover your fence.

You’ll need to figure out how high and wide you want your plants to grow and then decide what you want for the space at the fence.

Bougainvillea, roses, Jasmine, hardenbergia, morning glory, wisteria, palms and bamboos are a few good options as they grow well and tall, and require little maintenance.

Bougainvilleas are available in a range of beautiful bright colours from shades of red, purple, pink, orange and cream. They are a fast growing climber and thorny, too! They are great for hiding away low fences, wornout fences and walls.

Hardenbergia, also known as the Purple Coral Pea, is fast growing and easy to maintain. They not only cover the fence, but also produce gorgeous dark purple flowers.

There are many types of Jasmine that are perfect for covering a fence or wall. This plant will grow tall so make sure to prune them regularly. Jasmine produces white flowers with scent and they will be perfect for your fencing plan.

Bamboo is a hardy choice if you want to increase privacy. It’s very important to choose a clumping bamboo variety, which is easier to keep under control than the running varieties, which spread quickly.

You can embrace elegance with roses and cover up your fence with a variety of colours. Whether you’re planting just one rose bush or a whole bed of these stunning flowers, they are going to be perfect. Roses can stand the hot weather and also grow fast.

Get started now. Make your fence the focal point of your frontage.