(File pix) You can plant medium-sized trees or tall shrubs in your garden or backyard to block busybodies’ views.
(File pix) You can plant medium-sized trees or tall shrubs in your garden or backyard to block busybodies’ views.

DON’T like the idea of your neighbours peeping or watching your every move? Or is your house facing an ugly view? Well, you can’t stop your neighbours from looking at your house and you normally don’t reposition your house to a better direction or view, but there is sure something you can do about it.

You can obstruct their views and yours by planting tall trees in your garden and backyard.

While you also don’t want trees that grow too tall and deprive your home of sunlight, you can go for medium-sized ones. Visit a few nurseries and shop around for ideas before you decide on the trees to take home.

How to find suitable trees? When you go for tree-hunting, focus on what you need and why you want the trees for. Young trees are cheaper but if you want privacy soon, consider getting fast-growing or more matured trees. However, they can cause problems because they can grow too big and tall. When there is strong wind, the trees may unearth and fall on yourrooftop, harming your life and damaging your property.

It is also important to think about a tree’s height and eventual shape as you don’t want it to spread to your neighbours’ compound and cause unnecessary issues later. Do take note that if your tree’s branches do cross into next door’s compound, your neighbours are legally entitled to cut them off without seeking your green light. And, if they do that your tree may look out of shape.

You may also consider planting fruit trees for privacy but not those that produce widely spreading branches which can affect the flow of natural light into your home and your neighbours’.

Trees can also attract different species of birds that provide soothing sounds in the morning and evening. These will work brilliantly in your garden.