(File pix) Try creating unique shapes by pruning your shrubs.
(File pix) Try creating unique shapes by pruning your shrubs.
(File pix) A tree can add value to your property in many ways.
(File pix) A tree can add value to your property in many ways.

When considering planting a tree in your garden, find the right type that will add value to your property. Don’t get one which can grow too large, or with roots that might ruin the landscaping.

In landscaping, a tree is not just a tool to embellish space, but it also plays a crucial role as a wildlife sanctuary, air-conditioner, oxygen provider, energy saver and natural filtration facility.

According to experts, having a shady tree planted outside your house may efficiently lower the temperature in your home during the day by up to 50 per cent.

For secondary house buyers, if you plan to recreate your landscape, think twice before deciding to remove any mature trees or shrubs that are already present.

As a rule of thumb, do some research about the tree before removing it, as you wouldn’t want to get rid of a valuable plant.

(File pix) Some trees are more valuable than others.
(File pix) Some trees are more valuable than others.

In determining a tree’s value, you can look at different attributes such as size, type, condition and, perhaps, the way the tree is positioned.

Generally, a larger tree is considered more valuable than smaller ones. The hardiness, durability, adaptability and aesthetic value of certain types of trees are also factors to measure its value.

Also worth noting is the tree’s condition and whether it is healthy or well maintained. Other things to consider is if the tree is a focal point in a landscape or whether it is suitable to add as a frame for your house.

You could also relocate a tree that you find valuable. This will incur some cost, but if you really appreciate the tree and want it moved to a better location, cost shouldn’t be of concern.

For house owners who do decide to cut down the trees in their gardens, note that some will find these useful, such as manufacturers of wood-based items.

Even local nurseries or landscape contractors would find them useful.

So waste not the trees!

(File pix) If the tree in your garden has disrupted the surroundings then it is better to cut it and replace it with another. However give some thought to whether you really want to get rid of the existing trees in your landscape.
(File pix) If the tree in your garden has disrupted the surroundings then it is better to cut it and replace it with another. However give some thought to whether you really want to get rid of the existing trees in your landscape.