Among the performances during the Closing Ceremony of the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games at the Hangzhou Olympic Games Central Stadium. BERNAMA FILE PIC
Among the performances during the Closing Ceremony of the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games at the Hangzhou Olympic Games Central Stadium. BERNAMA FILE PIC

LETTERS: I salute the government for not accepting the offer to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games.

A major reason is the huge cost, which could create major constraints on our already tight financial situation.

For nearly two weeks, an impressive list of former international athletes, journalists, economists and sports administrators have voiced strong objections to hosting the Commonwealth Games after Victoria state, Australia, paid a huge penalty for pulling out of hosting.

We have to ask ourselves why did Australia, one of the world's most successful sporting nations, pull out?

Economically speaking, the Commonwealth Games is not an event worth the cost.

For an event of this scope to be successful, it needs the participation of elite, celebrated athletes and world-class competition.

However, in recent Commonwealth Games, many premier athletes opted out. In addition, many Asian countries prefer to invest their time and resources in the Asian Games and Olympics.

As a result, many countries are passing on the event, with India announcing they will not attend in 2026. With shrinking numbers of countries and elite athletes participating, the tourism aspect is dramatically affected.

Thus, we should invest in Malaysian sports. We are struggling even at the SEA Games.

The Youth and Sports Ministry should focus on revitalising our sports prowess.

We should invest in concentrated training for athletes aged 12 to 15 to prepare for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics and beyond, especially in our expertise of cycling, badminton, squash, diving, hockey, athletics, swimming and gymnastics.

Another wise investment to lift our sports profile would be to spend half the funds on augmenting sports venues and training facilities around the country.


Former national athlete,

Seremban, Negri Sembilan

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times