LETTERS: How the world manages and navigates change is key to our survival. The worry is that there is too much negative change instead of the positive.

We are familiar with climate change, which can devastate the world. Finding the right formula to avert the crisis has been challenging.

Implementing climate solutions call for more collaborations and partnerships.

The world is short on working together. We see conflicts unfolding everywhere. The latest is the deadly conflict in the Middle East.

While the affected people suffer, the world argues on what action to take.

It is pathetic to witness world leaders lacking in political maturity and abandoning the democratic spirit to invoke peaceful solutions.

Some leaders add more fuel to the conflict. The world needs positive change.

The collaboration between academics and politicians can bring about change to the world.

However, whether the combination can be effective depends on several factors.

It's more important to strike a balance between their roles and responsibilities.

Academics, through their command of knowledge, can provide evidence-based research and insights to inform policymakers about the consequences and benefits of policies.

Politicians can benefit from the expertise of academics, helping them make decisions that are grounded in research and data.

Collaborative efforts can lead to policy solutions that can address societal challenges.

There are challenges though. Bridging the gap between academic research and policy implementation can be challenging.

There's no doubt that research findings need to be communicated to policymakers and the public.

Not all issues are technical or scientific. Some involve value judgments and societal preferences that are the domain of policymakers.

Collaborations should extend to engaging the public in the decision-making processes to ensure that policies align with public values and needs.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of these collaborations depends on the willingness of both parties to work together, communicate effectively and address issues facing society.

Engagement between academics and politicians can bring many benefits.

Success is never guaranteed, but with both sides adopting an open mind, the chances of success improves greatly.


Tan Sri Omar Centre for STI Policy,

UCSI University

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times