The issue is beyond statistics. Having a degree or diploma is not the only criterion for a job. - NSTP file pic
The issue is beyond statistics. Having a degree or diploma is not the only criterion for a job. - NSTP file pic

LETTERS: In talking about unemployment, we should take a holistic approach.

The issue is beyond statistics. Having a degree or diploma is not the only criterion for a job.

It is the mastery of attitude, behaviour, cognitive skills, discipline and emotion that matters.

Black shoes don't shape discipline. Fancy technology is at most an enabler, it doesn't drive learning.

Policies and practices that continue to pamper the workforce will spell only disaster.

How? Unreasonable demands to work from home and for a four-day workweek are some of the pressures on businesses.

Automation is another factor. We seem to be interested only in automating and digitalising processes and businesses, but not developing "human exit alternatives".

Where will people go when automation and technology take over?

Our work culture in general is weak. People are laidback. Punctuality is a big problem. Processes are lengthy and redundant.

Another factor is uninformed immigration policies, which result in a manpower crunch.

We somehow made an assumption that 3D jobs can be taken away from foreign workers and given to citizens.

Since when have locals been shaped to do 3D jobs? They have been pampered for decades. Ask them what was their previous job.

Very likely, many were from the consumer industry. That means the consumer economy has either shrunk or been replaced by automation.


President, MYKITA (MalaysiaKITA), Centre of Integrity, Professional Governance and Advancement

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times