The writer and Baha Zain reciting poems at the headquarters of Persatuan Penulis Nasional. -Pic courtesy of writer
The writer and Baha Zain reciting poems at the headquarters of Persatuan Penulis Nasional. -Pic courtesy of writer

Looking through old photographs, I often remember my Malaysian friends, including Baha Zain.

He is one of Malaysia's leading modern poets, whose poetry I enjoy because it is born directly from his heart and touches the most intimate realm in human life. It is also easily understood by all that is the realm of love.

Baha Zain's poetry captivates a reader straightaway after its initial introduction. And often the effect is lasting. The amazing secrets that permeate it attract a reader by taking him deeper into the meaning and rhythm of his poems. Very attractive are also his metaphors, sometimes strange, but genuine and basically very Malay.

Love in his poetry is so worldly, full of emotion but at the same time, seems to be born not on earth, but in heaven and hovering in space. In a poem (Ah, just a memory) he talks about "ten thousand years on earth" as if he experienced the life of tens of generations, and the experience is focused on his creative imagination.

Baha Zain's view of history can be said to be pessimistic. History for him is just a series of events when humans kill each other (Historical Notes). Maybe that's why so subtle and captivating are his lines about love. If the history of mankind is war, then the history of an individual is love.

By prioritising love lyrics, he is not at all anti political.

Not active in politics is, in fact, also a political stance. His poem about the unfortunate fate of a Vietnamese woman, who was forced into prostitution in order to survive, isn't political too?

At a time when Malaysia was supporting the United States war in Vietnam in the framework of resistance to communism.

But often, his poems are also full of sarcastic lines: A lecture that according to its content, resembles a poem by Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky Re Conferences or The largest Sanatorium in the world, where Malaysians' love for various records is ridiculed.

Time elapsed. Baha Zain reflected on his achievements throughout his life. So, with humility, he noted that what he collected was "only dust and dust" (meaning, in vain).

This actually shows his high expectations from his creative activities. The nature of dissatisfaction with his performance is the nature of a great poet.

One day, I asked Baha Zain what it meant to write poetry.

He replied, "To give freedom to words, surrender to the language of his experience and imagination. Poetry is the utterance of an artist's overall experience, like a jewel in a finger, an extension of an evolving personality, showcasing style, shape, and colour".

Another thing he revealed to me — a poet in the world of his choice is greater than a minister or king.

That is his credo, and Baha Zain is faithful to it. Because of that, he is independent and brave in the selection of the theme of his poems. Maybe that's why his poetic style is often provocative and sharp, but in keeping with his personality, it remains subtle and softening.

Baha Zain's poetry is first understood with the heart and intuition, only later with the mind. Perhaps this is the hallmark of any poem that is truly national in nature. Such is for example the poetry of the Russian poet, Esenin.

I used to meet Baha Zain often at the Persatuan Penulis Nasional (Pena) yard, where poetry recitations are held every month on Fridays of the first week.

I was always amazed to see his young, shy and charming smile. He is a poet who remained young because of love.

The writer, writing from Russia, is a former lecturer of Universiti Malaya