Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau has been told by MCA not to make statements which can create friction among Barisan Nasional component parties. His party’s information chief Wendy Subramaniam, however, says the offer for MCA to join Perikatan Nasional was because Gerakan wanted its former ally to be in a coalition that valued it. NSTP file pic
Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau has been told by MCA not to make statements which can create friction among Barisan Nasional component parties. His party’s information chief Wendy Subramaniam, however, says the offer for MCA to join Perikatan Nasional was because Gerakan wanted its former ally to be in a coalition that valued it. NSTP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan today said the party prefers equal respect over blind loyalty after MCA poured cold water on its offer for the Barional National component to join Perikatan Nasional.

Gerakan information chief Wendy Subramaniam said the party was merely providing an alternative to MCA if the latter wanted to be treated with the respect it deserves as a coalition partner.

"This was not a direct invitation, but options for MCA to consider if they want to be treated as a respected coalition partner again," she said in a statement.

Wendy added that there was no malice behind Gerakan's comment on MCA, but rather it was coming from the perspective of a former coalition partner.

"We've worked together as coalition partners (in BN) for many decades. It is a shame to see how our former allies are mistreated by their own coalition for political expediency.

"This is more about a matter of respect than loyalty. Perhaps MCA has different priorities than Gerakan, but for us, we prefer equal respect over blind loyalty towards partners that take us for granted," she said..

Wendy also said that both Gerakan and MCA should reach a consensus to act against DAP, which she claimed had continuously deceived the people with a web of lies and false promises to carry out reforms for the country.

"We shouldn't let our differences impede our mutual aspirations for a better Malaysia," she said.

She was responding to a statement by MCA Youth information chief Neow Choo Seong, who said that the party will remain loyal to BN.

Neow had told Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau to stop all attempts to create friction among component parties in BN.