Pas lacks meaningful engagement and is politicising trivial matters, said Johor Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK). - Pic credit FB Taufiq Ismail
Pas lacks meaningful engagement and is politicising trivial matters, said Johor Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK). - Pic credit FB Taufiq Ismail

JOHOR BARU: Pas lacks meaningful engagement and is politicising trivial matters, said Johor Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK).

Its chairman, Mohamad Taufiq Ismail, said Pas seemed to lack ideas when it politicised an order for school canteen to remain open during Ramadan.

"Despite being a party rooted in religious principles, Pas seems to have lost its way in navigating the complexities of Malaysia's multi-ethnic and multi-religious society.

"Pas should have thoroughly assessed an issue before politicising it, considering the country's diverse demographics and the importance of upholding social justice," he said.

Pas leaders recently slamed the government for ordering school canteens to remain open during Ramadan, saying that this would hinder teaching children about fasting and that it disrespected those who were fasting.

"Islamic teachings stress respect for other religions and forbid disparagement of their practices, urging Muslims to display noble qualities and maintain dignity and tolerance," he said.

Taufiq applauded Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek on the government's stance that the operation of canteens during Ramadan is already stipulated in official guidelines.

Fadhlina said there was a need for mutual respect by all parties, quoting verse 13 of Surah Al-Hujurat, which emphasised the importance of mutual understanding, reinforcement, and honour among Muslims.

"Enough is this blessed month, Johor AMK calls on all politicial parties to steadfastly observe fasting with humility, ensuring that the principles of 'Amar Maaruf Nahi Mungkar' (enjoining good and forbidding wrong) are upheld, setting an exemplary standard for future generations," he said.