Lembah Pantai Umno Youth chief Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin. (NSTP / SYARAFIQ ABD SAMAD)
Lembah Pantai Umno Youth chief Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin. (NSTP / SYARAFIQ ABD SAMAD)

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA should just leave Barisan Nasional (BN) instead of proposing that the coalition is dissolved, said an Umno Youth exco member.

Muhamad Muqharabbin Mokhtarrudin, who is also Lembah Pantai Umno Youth chief said it was odd for the MCA central committee to be authorised to begin the process of dissolving BN.

“It has no locus standi to do that. If MCA feels there is no need for it to remain with BN, then it is best for the party to leave,” he said in a statement today.

He was commenting on a statement by MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong who said the resolution for the dissolution of BN and for a more effective coalition to be forged was passed by the central delegates.

Muhamad Muqharabbin questioned MCA’s commitment to the coalition in the 12th to 14th general elections.

He claimed MCA did not make the effort or give a commitment to go all out to win.

“They (MCA) only fought for posts and to be candidates during the GE. It did not fight with sincerity together with Umno and other component parties.

“When BN is no longer in power, MCA starts to point fingers and look for BN’s faults, when it did not make any effort to return Chinese support to the coalition,” he said.

As such, Muhamad Muqharabbin urged BN or a new coalition between Umno, Pas and other opposition parties to reject MCA’s inclusion.

“When and if BN returns to power, I will issue a reminder that MCA should not be accepted back into the BN fold.

“Let’s unite the Malay-Muslims, we work together with the other races who know how to be together through thick and thin and who respects the country’s sovereignty and Constitution.”