A dedicated teacher who transformed a rural classroom into a comfortable and conducive study area for his students has drawn positive comments from netizens. - Pic courtesy from Cikgu Al Tarmizi Facebook
A dedicated teacher who transformed a rural classroom into a comfortable and conducive study area for his students has drawn positive comments from netizens. - Pic courtesy from Cikgu Al Tarmizi Facebook
Pic courtesy from Cikgu Al Tarmizi Facebook
Pic courtesy from Cikgu Al Tarmizi Facebook

KUALA LUMPUR: A dedicated teacher who transformed a rural classroom into a comfortable and conducive study area for his students has drawn positive comments from netizens.

In conjunction with Teacher's Day, Cikgu Al Tarmizi shared his inspiring story of how he used a portion of his allowance for these enhancements.

The photos showed that the teacher decorated the classroom with themed seat and table covers, as well as carpets.

He expressed his commitment to creating a space where his students can enjoy learning.

"Some have asked me where my teacher's salary goes. I used a portion of my rural allowance to beautify the classroom.

"If I have extra funds, I will do more. With a salary increase coming in December, I can share more.

"I believe many teachers out there are doing their best for their students. Many teachers are willing to spend their own money for the betterment of their students," he said in a Facebook post.

He recounted his first experience at the school and the challenges he faced.

"This is the school I first joined when I started teaching (in the rural area)... But that's not a barrier to continuing to be an educator. I teach at a rural school in Sarawak and still enjoy this incredible experience," he said.

Tarmizi said his passion for teaching was inspired by his father, who always wanted to be a teacher but could only attend school until Standard Four.

"This sparked my interest in becoming a teacher to fulfil my father's dream. I have 11 siblings, and I am the eighth. Alhamdulillah, eight of my siblings have chosen teaching as their career," he said.

His path to becoming a teacher was not easy. However, he said with perseverance and the support of his family and headmaster, he succeeded.

This story has gained traction on Facebook, with many praising the teacher's dedication and some expressing interest in visiting the area.

Netizen Ameel Irfan, commented: "Congratulations. It is not the number of students that defines a teacher, but the resilience, diligence and innovative spirit of the teacher that stands out. Amazing!"

Sarlina Maji said: "You are a chosen individual blessed with valuable talent. May you continue to be granted good health and a long life to keep serving."

Ain Afifah Sabri said: "Tarmizi, I never expected you to be this diligent. Your spirit is entirely different from our school days. Congratulations, I salute you as an educator."