Zuraini Mukri and her husband Dr. Noordin Othman. - NSTP/ HUSAIN JAHIT
Zuraini Mukri and her husband Dr. Noordin Othman. - NSTP/ HUSAIN JAHIT

MAKKAH: Zuraini Mukri has been counting her blessings for the past year as her work allows her to spend more time at the Raudah and the Nabawi Mosque, providing her with the opportunity to be closer to Prophet Muhammad.

Born and raised in Selayang, the 46-year-old mother of eight is the only Malaysian employed at the Nabawi Mosque as a translator for pilgrims from Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Thailand.

Zuraini's role includes being part of the staff that oversees Raudah, ensuring all female visitors comply with the directives set by the management.

Referred to as the Garden of Paradise, it is the hope of every pilgrim to enter Raudah while making a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet.

Raudah is a revered area in Masjid Nabawi, highly sought after by haj and umrah pilgrims due to its reputation as an auspicious place for prayers.

"Every day, my work involves various tasks. Some days, I am stationed at the information counter within Raudah, while other times, I'm around Nabawi Mosque.

"My main responsibility is to serve as a translator for pilgrims from Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Thailand.

"I ensure visitors receive complete information and adhere to the guidelines when entering Raudah and Nabawi Mosque," she said when met by the media recently.

Zuraini, her husband Dr. Noordin Othman, and all of their children have been residing in Madinah for over 10 years. She works at Nabawi Mosque five days a week according to her assigned schedule.

Reflecting on her year of service at Nabawi Mosque, Zuraini said she always reminds herself to be fair and treat everyone equally, as her work requires her to deal with various types of behavior among pilgrims.

"Moreover, visitors here exhibit various behaviours. Some immediately start recording videos, taking selfies, and uploading them on social media as soon as they enter Raudah, even though the time allocated for worship in Raudah is limited," she said.

Following in Zuraini's footsteps is her daughter Nur Afrina Noordin, 20, who also works at Nabawi Mosque and Raudah.

"Alhamdulillah for this opportunity. Not only have I gained knowledge, but I have also learned many lessons, especially about the various behaviours of the people who come here," she said.