KUALA LUMPUR: Investigations into three separate attacks on three different footballers have uncovered similarities in terms of the perpetrators' modus operandi.

However, Federal Police Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain says the cases cannot be linked to one another yet.

For now, Bukit Aman is taking over investigations into all three cases in which three national players Akhyar Rashid, Faisal Halim, and Safiq Rahim were targetted.

Last week, Akhyar was assaulted and robbed by unknown assailants, while Faisal Halim became a victim of an acid attack. Just yesterday, Safiq's car was vandalised.

At a press conference today, Shuhaily said the attacks happened within two days of each other.

"We've identified the modus operandi, two people would follow the victim before the attack as if there were plans for it," he said.

In Akhyar's case, he was attacked by two assailants in Terengganu. The 25-year-old suffered injuries to his head, leg and arm.

Faisal on the other hand suffered fourth-degree burns after two men on a motorcycle threw acid on him outside a mall in Kota Damansara, Selangor. The type of acid used in the attack has yet to be identified.

In Safiq's case, he was driving near the Johor Darul Ta'zim (JDT) training centre in Johor Bahru last night when two men on a motorcycle, approached his car.

They then smashed his windscreen using a hammer.

Shuhaily said police were still trying to determine the motive for the attacks, including if it was linked to a poison pen letter against the Football Association of Malaysia last month.

"This includes a probe linked to a police report made by the Selangor FC chief executive officer."

Yesterday, two Selangor FC officials lodged a police report claiming they received a call from an unknown person. Details of the call were not made available.

However, they reportedly decided to lodge a report following the attack on Faisal, who plays for Selangor FC.

On the suspects nabbed in connection with the attack on Faisal, Shuhaily said one person was released, while another was remanded for five days.

He said the police were still investigating whether the suspect who is being remanded was involved in the attack on Faisal.

That suspect has seven criminal records including for voluntarily causing hurt, armed robbery, and extortion among others.

Meanwhile, Shuhaily said police have recorded statements from 15 people in connection with the three cases.

"We have yet to determine if the attacks are related and we urge against any form of speculation," he said, adding the police will provide updates on their probes from time to time.

Federal Police Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain says the cases cannot be linked to one another yet. - NSTP/HAZREEN MOHAMAD
Federal Police Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain says the cases cannot be linked to one another yet. - NSTP/HAZREEN MOHAMAD