Transport Minister Anthony Loke said HeiTech Padu was awarded the contract as its bid was reasonably priced. - BERNAMA pic
Transport Minister Anthony Loke said HeiTech Padu was awarded the contract as its bid was reasonably priced. - BERNAMA pic

KUALA LUMPUR: An open tender was carried out for the RM190 million Road Transport Department (RTD) contract that was eventually awarded to HeiTech Padu Berhad.

In a statement, Transport Minister Anthony Loke said HeiTech Padu was awarded the contract as its bid was reasonably priced.

He said the company's bid was the lowest among the three companies that took part in the open tender.

"The acknowledgement (for HeiTech Padu) was submitted to the Finance Ministry on Dec 4, 2023, for final approval. 

"The treasury approval was obtained on Feb 8, 2024, for the amount of RM185 million, excluding service tax," he said in a statement.

All three companies passed all technical and financial evaluations.

Meanwhile, according to FMT, Loke said the contract was awarded to HeiTech Padu even before Farhash Wafa Salvador Rizal Mubarak became a substantial shareholder in the company.

Farhash was an aide to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before the latter assumed office.

Loke added that the open tender was carried out following RTD's proposal last year to merge both components into one tender.

This, he said, was to facilitate the management of control, monitoring, and project management aspects collectively by the same company.

Both Mainframe and MySikap were granted contract extensions from May 1, last year, to April 30, this year, with the approval of the Treasury.

The contract for Mainframe is valued at RM27.29 million while MySikap is at RM27.03 million.

"The contract extension only covers critical services such as preventive maintenance, cyber security, and software license renewal, where the value of the extension contract is lower compared to the original contract. 

"These transitional steps are taken while improving the combined maintenance tender contract for MySikap and the existing Mainframe," he said.