Norhisham (left) with his late sisterBella. NSTP Pic
Norhisham (left) with his late sisterBella. NSTP Pic

[email protected]

BATU PAHAT: The elder sister of Mila Sharmila Samsusah, the murder victim known as Bella, lodged a police report alleging threats from an individual believed to have ties with her late sister's former boyfriend.

Norhisham, 36, also known as Ayu, lodged the police report at 11 pm last night in Johor Baru after receiving two screenshots from anonymous sources.

The first screenshot displayed the message: "Baru permulaan, game play. Everything will start from now. Ready. Bukan setakat gila saya buat." ( "This is just the beginning, game play. Everything will start from now. Ready. I'm not just going to make you crazy.")

Meanwhile, the second screenshot read, "Baru setengah hari tunggu la, tak lama lagi mesti sahur dekat dalam huhuhu" ("It's only been half a day, wait, not long now, soon you going to hve sahur inside, hahaha,"), which is presumed to be related to Ayu's one-day remand on Monday.

She said unknown individuals shared these screenshots with her while advising her to be cautious.

"So I made the police report mainly concerning the threats because I am concerned for my safety and that of my family. I am also worried about Bella's children's safety... we fear if there are parties trying to harm us," she said.

Ayu mentioned that she felt like she was being watched from the time of her sister's murder until the charges against her sister's boyfriend, prompting her to be cautious, especially when leaving the house, for fear of being followed.

"I feel like we're being watched, as if someone has a grudge against us following the detention of Bella's boyfriend.

"I'm worried they might have other intentions towards us," she said.

Last week, Ayu was remanded for a day after being detained at the Batu Pahat police station following reports related to the live broadcast of a four-year-old child on TikTok.

She was detained while giving a statement at the Batu Pahat district police headquarters at 2.10 am.