The Sarawak Veterinary Services Department (JPVS) has successfully vaccinated a total of 564 dogs from Jan to March 9 in the Miri area. - File pic credit (UKAS)
The Sarawak Veterinary Services Department (JPVS) has successfully vaccinated a total of 564 dogs from Jan to March 9 in the Miri area. - File pic credit (UKAS)

MIRI: The Sarawak Veterinary Services Department (JPVS) vaccinated a total of 564 dogs from Jan to March 9 in the Miri area.

Sarawak's Transportation Minister Datuk Seri Lee Kim Shin announced that thus far, Miri has not recorded any rabies infection cases. However, he urged the Miri community to remain vigilant against the rabies epidemic, noting the high fatality rate associated with rabies infections.

He also encouraged the public to take advantage of free vaccination programs organised by authorities and not to miss the opportunity to get their dogs vaccinated at no cost.

"Dog owners should realise the importance of annual booster vaccinations for their pets to improve or maintain their pets' immunity levels," he said.

He made these remarks following a visit to the Vaccination, Licensing, and Microchipping Programme site for dogs in Miri on Feb 9.

Lee shared that the anti-rabies vaccination, dog licensing, and microchipping programmes were held at various locations for the convenience of the public.

The programme, jointly organised by JPVS Miri and the Miri City Council's animal licensing department, was open to the public, with rabies vaccinations provided free of charge to pet dogs.