Tragedy struck another RXZ Fighter motorcycle event participant after he was killed when his machine grazed a moving lorry at KM156.9 of the East Coast Expressway near here today. PIC COURTESY OF POLICE
Tragedy struck another RXZ Fighter motorcycle event participant after he was killed when his machine grazed a moving lorry at KM156.9 of the East Coast Expressway near here today. PIC COURTESY OF POLICE

MARAN: Tragedy struck another RXZ Fighter motorcycle event participant after he was killed when his machine grazed a moving lorry at KM156.9 of the East Coast Expressway near here today.

Sales promoter Mohammad Sharfie Sukri, 21, succumbed to severe injuries in the 8.10am accident.

Maran police chief Deputy Superintendent Mohamad Zamri Mohamad Zaber said investigations revealed that the victim from Petaling Jaya, Selangor, was travelling with several others to attend the RXZ Fighter gathering in Kuantan.

"The accident occurred when Sharfie's Yamaha Y15 grazed into a lorry that was travelling in the same direction towards Kuantan. Both vehicles were in the slow lane.

"The victim was thrown off his machine and landed on the road. He died on the spot," he said, adding that the 47-year-old lorry driver did not sustain any injuries.

Zamri said investigations revealed that Sharfie, from Sabah, was travelling with several other motorcyclists from Petaling Jaya to Kuantan for the RXZ gathering.

He said the case is being investigated under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.

Yesterday, night market operator Muhammad Lokman Abdul Aziz, 29, was killed after crashing his motorcycle into a metal railing along the East Coast Expressway here.

The two-day inaugural RXZ Fighter event which ended today saw thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts gathering at Serambi Teruntum in Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan.

Caption: 1. A RXZ Fighter motorcycle event participant was killed in an accident after his machine crashed into a lorry in Maran today.