File pic credit (UKAS)
File pic credit (UKAS)

SIMUNJAN: Simunjan police chief Deputy Superintendent Rafhan Kepli has emphasised the critical role of ongoing and strengthened cooperation between the community and police forces in combating crime, particularly in local areas, the Sarawak Public Communications Unit reported.

During a meeting with community and village leaders at Kampung Kelka Community Hall on Thursday, Rafhan highlighted the importance of the community's role in sharing information about criminal activities with the authorities.

"This not only helps reduce crime rates but also minimises the risk of crimes occurring, especially through preventive measures in residential areas and public spaces," he said.

The session aimed to remind the community of the significance of crime prevention awareness and the community's responsibility in halting criminal activities.

"It fosters a sense of collaboration between the police in Simunjan and the 'Ketua Kaum dan Ketua Masyarakat' (KMKK), who are strategic partners of the police in eradicating crime and creating a safe environment for the community," he said.

He added that the cooperation of all parties plays a vital role in consistently reducing crime rates.

Rafhan hoped that through this programme, the KMKK would facilitate the flow of information to the police if criminal activities occur in their residential areas.