KUALA LUMPUR: A man who sustained himself by begging had received enough donations to own a fancy sports utility vehicle (SUV).

He was exposed after an operation to curb begging activities was conducted by the Social Welfare Department at the Sri Jaya night market, Maran, in Pahang yesterday.

According to the agency, they identified a local man dressed in a robe and wearing a taqiyah (Muslim skull cap) at the night market whilst going around begging.

After being pressed, the man finally spoke up and informed them that he was not deaf or mute, but rather physically disabled (OKU), with abnormal hands, while his identification card was left in his vehicle.- Pic courtesy of the department.
After being pressed, the man finally spoke up and informed them that he was not deaf or mute, but rather physically disabled (OKU), with abnormal hands, while his identification card was left in his vehicle.- Pic courtesy of the department.

"From afar, a man could be seen standing amidst the market vendors holding a paper bag, soliciting sympathy from passersby. Both of the man's hands appeared small unlike those of a normal human. Maran Social Welfare Department enforcement officers approached the man and inquired about his purpose for begging, but the question went unanswered," they said.

They further noted that the man appeared to be deaf and mute, and upon inspection, there were banknotes found in his bag, believed to be proceeds from donations he had received.

"Despite repeated requests from welfare department officers for identification purposes during the operation, the man did not respond," they added.

After being pressed, the man finally spoke up and informed them that he was not deaf or mute, but rather physically disabled (OKU), with abnormal hands, while his identification card was left in his vehicle.

"Welfare department officers followed the man to his car and found the individual who had been garnering public sympathy due to his physical condition, driving a premium model Proton X70 SUV.

"Further investigation revealed that the man resided in Balok, Kuantan, and would visit night markets to beg. Checks also revealed that the man had been receiving an OKU worker allowance from the welfare department amounting to RM450 per month since 2001," they explained.

According to the Maran welfare department, upon further questioning by enforcement officers, the man admitted that the vehicle in question belonged to him and he could collect RM500 from begging for four to six hours at the night market.

"The man was then released with a warning by welfare department enforcement officers," they added.

Social Welfare Department personnel speaking to the man at the Sri Jaya night market, Maran in Pahang. - Pic courtesy of the department.
Social Welfare Department personnel speaking to the man at the Sri Jaya night market, Maran in Pahang. - Pic courtesy of the department.