Johor Fire and Rescue Department director Siti Rohani Nadir. -NSTP/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN
Johor Fire and Rescue Department director Siti Rohani Nadir. -NSTP/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN

JOHOR BARU: The State Fire and Rescue Department is doubling down on its commitment to reduce its emergency response times to below the National Average Response Time of nine minutes and 30 seconds per case.

Its director Siti Rohani Nadir said several targets were set this year, including shortening the response time and providing the best emergency services and assistance in fires and emergency calls.

"The NART target set by the headquarters is nine minute and 42 seconds, however, our general respond time was nine minutes and 80 seconds.

"So, this year, we are striving to improve our NART to nine minutes and thirty seconds or much lower," she said.

She clarified that the response time target applies within a 25km radius of each fire station, however, some the cases reported last year were not located within the radius.

She said to achieve these set targets, personnel will ensure all equipment, fire-fighting and emergency tools, and vehicles are maintained well and regularly checked and serviced.

She said the personnel also underwent regular trainings and health screenings to ensure they were fit and able to carry out missions assigned to them.

While fire stations state-wide are also frequently maintained, drills are conducted to ensure everyone is prepared at all times.

Citing an example, she said one of the oldest fire stations in Johor – the Larkin Fire and Rescue Station, had recently been refurbished and equipped with latest rescue equipment to further enhance their services and response time.

"Resources were allocated for maintenance and improvement works for all fire-stations," she said today after officiating the state department's Annual Parade Ceremony.

Earlier, Siti Rohani awarded civilians who went out of their way to help others in disasters; and the department's strategic partners consisting of representatives from private and government-linked companies, who had contributed towards the department's cause.

She also awarded 17 press members with certificates of appreciation for their vast coverage.

Journalists from three publications namely the New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro were also awarded.