(from left) Kedah Youth and Sports Committee chairman Muhammad Radhi Mat Din, Econsave Cash and Carry Sdn Bhd northern region general manager Zamzuri Mansor and Bukit Pinang assemblyman Datuk Wan Romani Wan Salim (far right) presenting a wheelchair and household necessities to Kedah football legend Abdul Rahman Tasu (sitting, right) at his home in Langgar. - NSTP/ADIE ZULKIFLI
(from left) Kedah Youth and Sports Committee chairman Muhammad Radhi Mat Din, Econsave Cash and Carry Sdn Bhd northern region general manager Zamzuri Mansor and Bukit Pinang assemblyman Datuk Wan Romani Wan Salim (far right) presenting a wheelchair and household necessities to Kedah football legend Abdul Rahman Tasu (sitting, right) at his home in Langgar. - NSTP/ADIE ZULKIFLI

ALOR STAR: Kedah government will provide assistance to Kedah football legend Abdul Rahman Tasu who is left paralysed and lost his ability to speak due to stroke.

State Youth and Sports Committee chairman Muhammad Radhi Mat Din said the state government will be monitoring Rahman's condition and needs from time to time.

"We are grateful to everyone who have come forward to ease his burden.

"The state government will extend whatever assistance required to help him in his recovery from the fourth stroke that left him paralysed.

"His wife is planning to start a small business after having to quit from her full-time job to care for him.

"Thus, we will see how the state government can help her with that," he said after visiting Rahman at his home in Langgar here today, accompanied by Bukit Pinang assemblyman Datuk Wan Romani Wan Salim.

Present was Econsave Cash and Carry Sdn Bhd northern region general manager Zamzuri Mansor who presented wheelchair and household necessities worth RM1,500 to Rahman.

It was an emotional visit for Radhi as he and Rahman were in the same Canary squad that lifted the first Malaysia Cup for Kedah in 1990 after defeating Singapore in the finals.

Rahman played in the centre position in Kedah squad and Radhi was the midfielder.

"Our main priority now is to ease his burden and to assist his wife who is nursing him around the clock as he is unable to take care of himself.

"We hope that he will undergo all the treatment required to recover from the stroke," he said.

Rahman's wife Asmanida Ismail, 45, thanked all well-wishers including his former teammates who have come forward to help them since media highlighted his condition.

"He looks much better now as compared to before. Things have been tough for us since he suffered stroke for the fourth time in last September.

"He has lost the ability to speak and depending on the wheelchair to move around," she said.

The couple has since been depending on Rahman's monthly pension of RM1,500 to cover the house rental, Rahman's medication, disposable diapers and other expenses.

Asmanida, who had quitted her job as a cook to fully care for Rahman, said she is planning to start a small business to earn some income to cover their expenses.

Meanwhile, Wan Romani said he would provide a special allocation to carry out rewiring works to replace the ageing wiring in the house.

In December, the NST has reported that Rahman was reduced to grappling with the effects of a stroke after being afflicted by the ailment for the fourth time.