Aman Palestin Berhad (Aman Palestin) lawyer Mohd Rafique Rashid Ali said that they would file the case soon. BERNAMA PIC
Aman Palestin Berhad (Aman Palestin) lawyer Mohd Rafique Rashid Ali said that they would file the case soon. BERNAMA PIC

KUALA LUMPUR: Aman Palestin Berhad (Aman Palestin) has decided to explore legal avenues to get its accounts unfrozen after the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) snub.

Its lawyer Mohd Rafique Rashid Ali said that they would file the case soon.

"We are in the midst of preparing the necessary papers and will update the media by Monday," he said when contacted today.

Earlier this week the non-governmental organisation gave MACC three days to unfreeze its accounts or face legal actions.

It sent a letter to the MACC chief commissioner and the MACC anti-money laundering division director giving a notice under Section 44A AMLATFAPUAA 2021 for the freezing order to be cancelled and or changed.

However, MACC said it will not do so and is ready to face legal action.

The graft-busters confirmed the freezing of 41 bank accounts belonging to Aman Palestin, with a total value of RM15,868,762.00 due to an investigation into allegations of misappropriation of public donation funds.

In a statement, MACC announced that searches were conducted at Aman Palestin premises, obtaining financial documents and operational management records for the past five years.

MACC also recorded statements from several key witnesses for further investigation.

Initial findings identified issues related to the misappropriation of funds estimated at RM70 million, allocated for purposes other than the organisation's objectives.

The investigation aims to gather information regarding offences under the MACC Act 2009 and the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing, and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLATFPUAA 2001).