Muhammad Aqil Naufal Zahiran. -PIC CREDIT: HARIAN METRO
Muhammad Aqil Naufal Zahiran. -PIC CREDIT: HARIAN METRO

KUALA LUMPUR: Muhammad Aqil Naufal Zahiran did not expect his name to be mentioned by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during the tabling of the 2024 Budget on Friday.

"Thank you, Prime Minister. Now, the whole of Malaysia knows my name," said the 11-year-old.

Aqil, an amputee, recently went viral after displaying his passion in sports when competing in a 100m sprint in crutches during the Jerantut district Special Education Athletics Championships.

He said he was touched by the government's concern.

"When I heard my name mentioned, I was in the car with my mother on our way to Kota Baru, Kelantan. I asked if that was really my name, and my mother said, yes.

"I truly did not expect it and was moved by it because it was the prime minister who mentioned it," Aqil told Harian Metro.

His mother, Noor Hafizah Mat Desa, 36, said she was proud her son's story was mentioned in Parliament during a significant national event.

She said she was told by the Youth and Sports Minister's office to watch the presentation of the 2024 Budget.

"As I was travelling, I made sure I did not miss the opportunity to hear it. As a mother, I'm proud that my child's name was mentioned by the prime minister in Parliament.

"To be honest, it was touching and unexpected. For me, it's not just about my child, but for all children and special individuals like Aqil.

Muhammad Aqil Naufal Zahiran an amputee, recently went viral after displaying his passion in sports when competing in a 100m sprint in crutches. -PIC CREDIT: HARIAN METRO
Muhammad Aqil Naufal Zahiran an amputee, recently went viral after displaying his passion in sports when competing in a 100m sprint in crutches. -PIC CREDIT: HARIAN METRO

"Even though my child's name was mentioned, I believe it serves as an inspiration for everyone."

She said Aqil's son's prosthetic leg, which was donated by the Youth and Sports Ministry through the National Sports Institute (ISN), is now ready.

"They took measurements for the prosthetic leg in early September. I was informed that the prosthetic leg is ready, and Insya Allah, we can try it on Oct 16."

Noor Hafizah was thankful that there were people willing to help Aqil.

"As we know, the cost of getting a prosthetic leg is quite high. Insya Allah, we'll be able to see Aqil walking like everyone else soon.

"Although he's not like other children, he's perfect in my eyes. Seeing him walk is a joy. Aqil can't wait," she


During the presentation of the 2024 Budget on Friday, Anwar, who is also Finance Minister, said that Aqil's dream of playing football has been made a reality.

"I'm sure everyone has witnessed the inspirational story of Aqil Naufal, a student at SK Felda Lepar Utara 1, Pahang, who showed enthusiasm for his passion despite his challenges.

Aqil's dream of playing football come true thanks to the help of the government and support from the Malaysian Association of Football for the Disabled (Mafa)."