As at 6pm, 150 victims from 52 families have affected by floods and agencies are bracing for more rescue operations later today. -NSTP/GHAZALI KORI
As at 6pm, 150 victims from 52 families have affected by floods and agencies are bracing for more rescue operations later today. -NSTP/GHAZALI KORI

SETIU: The flood operation centre in the Setiu district has been activated as more flood victims have been evacuated to six flood relief centres.

As at 6pm, 150 victims from 52 families have affected by floods and agencies are bracing for more rescue operations later today.

The Kampung Bari Besar community hall is currently housing 16 people from four families while at Masjid Chalok Kedai, 19 people from four families are seeking shelter at the relief centres.

The relief centres at Masjid Gong Terap received 52 flood victims from 30 families while Masjid Kampung Merbau Menyusut received 42 evacuees from eight families.

At Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Besut, eight people from four families have been evacuated while the relief centre at the Kampung Bukit Mak Som community centre is currently housing 13 people from two families.

The Terengganu Disaster Management Committee secretariat said rainfall had been continuous and the authorities expect the number of flood victims to rise.

In Kuala Nerus, the number of flood victims remained at 24 people from five families at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Komplexs Mengabang Telipot.