A breeder trying to rescue his buffalo as heavy rain led to floods in Kampung Belimbing, Jongok Batu in Dungun, Terengganu. - Bernama pic
A breeder trying to rescue his buffalo as heavy rain led to floods in Kampung Belimbing, Jongok Batu in Dungun, Terengganu. - Bernama pic

SETIU: The flood situation in Terengganu saw a sharp increase in the number of evacuees to 2,035 people from 552 families as at 8pm.

Kemaman remains the worst hit district with 1,396 people from 354 families evacuated to 13 flood relief centres.

In Dungun, 537 people from 162 families have been evacuated to four relief centres.

In Hulu Terengganu, 102 people from 36 families have sought shelter at two relief centres.

Terengganu disaster management committee secretariat Chief Lieutenant Colonel (PA) Che Adam A Rahman said continuous heavy rain had been registered in the interiors.

"Major rivers in Kemaman, Dungun and Hulu Terengganu have burst their banks and we expect more flood victims later tonight," he said.

He added that rescuers are monitoring areas prone to floods in other districts as well and would evacuate those affected to relief centres.