(File pix) Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Pix by Rozainah Zakaria
(File pix) Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Pix by Rozainah Zakaria

KUALA LUMPUR: Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang says all Muslims have a duty to oppose the ratification of the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), which he claims would place Islam on the same level as other religions.

Abdul Hadi said the current provisions in the Federal Constitution on barring discrimination against non-Muslims in the country are sufficient, and far better than what ICERD has to offer.

He said Malaysians have enjoyed peace for a long time, and that any weaknesses in terms of implementation can be resolved independently without the need for policy changes.

“Islam is the official religion of the Federation and the right to religion is a social contract that is complete in every sense.

“As such, Muslims have an obligation to reject liberal concepts which place all religions equally. It is only natural for all religious followers to believe that theirs is the true religion; not think that it is the same as other religions,” he said in a statement on Thursday.

Abdul Hadi said Muslims, therefore, should reject and steer clear of ICERD. He said the definition of what constitutes discrimination, rights and justice for Muslims as well as followers of other religions differ from those without religion.

“We remain firm in our belief that our definition is one that is relevant for all time. Our definition of justice is that it’s something that is appropriate for the given situation.

“As such, it’s appropriate for special rights ton be accorded to certain groups, such as giving the Bumiputera special rights on account of them having been sidelined during colonial occupation.

“At the same time, the rights to religion, other races, orphans and the special rights of women cannot be denied,” he said.

Abdul Hadi said the public must also understand the difference between upholding one’s religion and the right to worship their respective religions.

He said the Western concept which agrees with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) community, for example deeming banning the culture as being discriminatory, goes against all religions as it goes against human nature.

He said if the LGBT culture is permitted, it can lead to various problems within families and society at large, hence why it should only apply to “countries without religion.”

“Those who champion ICERD must be opposed as this is a Freemason agenda to destroy religion, race and country.

“Muslim, those with religion, the Bumiputera and all races must unite to oppose ICERD. Do not be swayed by the Western agenda which has long abandoned religion and the true ethics of humanity,” he said.