(File pic) Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein is free to look for fugitive businesman Low Taek Jho in China if he wishes. (NSTP/MUHD ZAABA ZAKERIA)
(File pic) Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein is free to look for fugitive businesman Low Taek Jho in China if he wishes. (NSTP/MUHD ZAABA ZAKERIA)

BANGKOK: Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein is free to look for fugitive businesman Low Taek Jho in China if he wishes.

However, he won't be receiving any help from the government to do so, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The prime minister said anyone, including Hishammuddin, is free to assist the government in looking for Low, better known as Jho Low, who is wanted over investigations into scandals connected to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) funds.

"If he (Hishammuddin) wants to do it, he can do so.

"We won't be giving him any help of any sort, nothing. We don't need for him to become a government representative to do so, he can do it by himself.

"If he says he can, then he is very much welcome to do so," Dr Mahathir told reporters at a press conference in Bangkok on Thursday.

Investigators are seeking Low over his role in the 1MDB financial scandal. He is believed to have been hiding in various countries, including Hong Kong, Macau and China.

On Oct 22, Hishammuddin was quoted as saying that he was willing to help the government find Low.

The former defence minister and special functions minister had described Low as key towards bringing closure to the 1MDB issue.

Hishammuddin was quoted as saying that he was wiling "to go to the ends of the earth" to look for Low.