Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad attends the International Conference on the Future of Asia in Tokyo, Japan June 11, 2018. Reuters Photo
Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad attends the International Conference on the Future of Asia in Tokyo, Japan June 11, 2018. Reuters Photo

TOKYO: Malaysia plans to start a new national car project, in partnership with other countries in the region, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.

Speaking at the 24th Nikkei Conference here, the prime minister said Proton was no longer a Malaysian national car because a substantial stake in the company is now owned by China's Zhejiang Geely Holding Group.

"Our ambition is to start another national car, perhaps in partnership with other countries in the region," he said during a dialogue session at the conference.

Dr Mahathir said Japan, South Korea and Thailand were some of the countries in the region that had expertise in manufacturing automobiles.

The prime minister was earlier asked about Malaysia's potential new growth industries, and how foreign investors would fit into that scenario.

"We may have to depend on foreign partners in the beginning, but eventually we hope our people can master the technology themselves," he said.

At a separate dialogue with foreign correspondents at Japan’s National Press Club, Dr Mahathir said in the 20-over years that Malaysia has worked with Mitsubishi Motor Corp, it has acquired most of the skills and technology with regards to the design and production of a new car.

“However, there are certain parts of the car which are extremely expensive to develop. We may want to source some of these expensive parts from other countries, including from Japan.” he added.