Tabung Haji (TH) has secured newer buses to ferry Malaysian haj pilgrims between Madinah and Mecca this year, which has resulted in minimal breakdowns or delays.
Tabung Haji (TH) has secured newer buses to ferry Malaysian haj pilgrims between Madinah and Mecca this year, which has resulted in minimal breakdowns or delays.

JEDDAH: Tabung Haji (TH) has secured newer buses to ferry Malaysian haj pilgrims between Madinah and Mecca this year, which has resulted in minimal breakdowns or delays.

“We asked for and are using good buses this year — 2015, 2016 and 2017 models. They are in good condition and have reached their destination,” TH Highway Emergency Call Centre manager Shafie Sharif said.

The journey from King Abdulaziz International Airport to Mecca takes about 2-3 hours (97km distance), while Madinah to Mecca is a 7-8 hour drive (424km).

Tabung Haji (TH) has secured newer buses to ferry Malaysian haj pilgrims between Madinah and Mecca this year, which has resulted in minimal breakdowns or delays.
Tabung Haji (TH) has secured newer buses to ferry Malaysian haj pilgrims between Madinah and Mecca this year, which has resulted in minimal breakdowns or delays.

He said TH has also required the buses carrying Malaysian haj pilgrims between Madinah and Mecca to stop midway at a predetermined checkpoint, where the buses and pilgrims can rest for about an hour.

“Based on experience, if the buses don’t stop, there may be breakdowns. After all, some of these buses are used only once a year (for haj). Our pilgrims can also get meals at the rest area,” Shafie told Malaysian media.

The Highway Emergency Patrol Team (PPKL) is responsible for managing the movement of haj pilgrims from when they first arrive in Jeddah airport to Mecca or from Madinah to Mecca.

“Our Call Centre monitors the movement of these buses. Any delays or breakdowns are reported to our hotline and we will despatch a team to assist. We can also ask for replacement buses when necessary,” Shafie said.

As at August 7, TH has used 180 buses to transport haj pilgrims from Madinah to Mecca, and another 116 buses to ferry pilgrims arriving on 14 flights from Jeddah to Mecca.

“So far, no major issues have been reported other than one bus breakdown due to clutch plate and aircond problems. The bus was replaced within two hours,” Shafie said.

PPKL has two teams of three people, assigned to the Jeddah-Mecca and Madinah-Mecca route. They are equipped with the Bravo system and mobile phones,” he added.

Shafie said when the haj season moves into the second phase, the PPKL teams will focus its operations on the transport of pilgrims between Mecca and Arafah.

TH Highway Emergency Call Centre manager Shafie Sharif
TH Highway Emergency Call Centre manager Shafie Sharif