A man, believed to be the lover of woman who had allegedly abandoned her week-old baby on the floor of a shop selling processed chicken in Jabur Kubur in Chukai, being escorted by two policemen. NSTP/ROSLI ILHAM
A man, believed to be the lover of woman who had allegedly abandoned her week-old baby on the floor of a shop selling processed chicken in Jabur Kubur in Chukai, being escorted by two policemen. NSTP/ROSLI ILHAM

KUALA TERENGGANU: Police have arrested a woman for allegedly abandoning her son, who was born about a week ago, at a shop that sells processed chicken in Jabur Kubur, Chukai, near here.

Kemaman police chief Superintendent Hanyan Ramlan said the unemployed woman, in her 20s, was arrested in Jabur Kubur at 11am today.

"Police also arrested a 24-year-old man working as a restaurant helper, who is believed to be her lover, at 3pm in Chukai town.

"The man was detained to determine whether he had colluded with the woman to dump the baby," he said when contacted.

Hanyan said investigations found that the woman had given birth to the baby boy on May 12 at her boyfriend's house in Jabur Kubur before abandoning the baby on Saturday.

He said a DNA test would be conducted on the woman to determine whether she has any connection to the incident of a baby girl, whose umbilical cord was still intact and covered with ants, found at the same shop last July.

In Saturday's case, a lorry driver found the baby boy, with just a shirt on, shivering in the cold on the floor of the shop about 7.30am.

The baby, weighing 3kg, was sent to the Kemaman Hospital.

Police confirmed that the case is being investigated under Section 317 of the Penal Code for concealing the birth of a child with the intention of dumping the baby. — Bernama