Soft drinks and juice packets containing drugs were seized from a suspect in Kuantan today. Pix courtesy of Pahang police
Soft drinks and juice packets containing drugs were seized from a suspect in Kuantan today. Pix courtesy of Pahang police


KUANTAN: A man, believed to be a drug peddler, has been distributing drug-laced soft drinks at entertainment outlets in the state capital here.

Thinking he could outsmart the authorities, the man has been distributing the drinks which look like soft drinks.

However, the Pahang Narcotic Criminal Investigation Department officers brought a stop to the 42-year-old suspect's activities after raiding two separate locations early today.

Pahang police chief Datuk Seri Yahaya Othman said the suspect, who is believed to be responsible for distributing the drug-laced beverages to entertainment outlets here was picked up at about 12.10am.

"We seized 50 packed juice containers weighing some 5.2 litres and 75 juice packets of various flavours weighing some 17.9 litres. The juice believed to be mixed with drugs was worth about RM35,300.

A man was detained for distributing soft-drinks laced with drugs at entertainment outlets in Kuantan. Pix courtesy of Pahang police
A man was detained for distributing soft-drinks laced with drugs at entertainment outlets in Kuantan. Pix courtesy of Pahang police

"The suspect tested positive for methamphetamine and has seven previous records for drugs. He has been remanded till Apr 18 for further investigations including to probe if he was part of a bigger network involved in distributing the drug-laced juice," he said in a statement today.

Yahaya said the case is being investigated under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drug Act, which carries the mandatory death sentence, upon conviction.